Hello everyone!
So guess what?!
Yesterday me and MedicAtk started renting a server from a company called Fragnet , first we were thinking of renting a smaller server that would menage me and my friends, all together 11 humaniods. But then we changed our minds and upgraded it one step so that I would hold up to about twice as many players.
This means that I could invite a few of you on to the server to play with us! Unfortunatly I can't invite you all since the server probably wouldn't be able to handle the ammount of payers (I had ALOT of requests from people that wanted to come and build with me and my friends). Therefore I have to have some sort of application where you have to fill in a few facts about yourself, just for fun. No one will be judged depending on age, gender or where they live. And then the important part, you got to send me some screens of what you have made earlier on other SMP or SSP. It could be some cool invention, a heavy duty redstone circuit or a massive build.
Send me an email at rolfdavidminecraft@gmail.com where you copy paste in this application form and fill in the questions, and then add a few pics of cool things you've made before.
Real Name:
Minecraft Name:
Where do you live? :
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? :
What kind of minecrafter are you? :
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Så när kommer ni ta in nya spelare ? :D på eran server.
SvaraRaderaIkväll ska jag göra en liten invite video som jag ska lägga upp och sen ska MedicAtk och nån annan få var amed och välja ut vilka som ska få komma in :)
SvaraRaderaLÄngtar och hoppas redan nu på att få komma in :D
SvaraRaderaReal Name: Oliwer
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: Vectoz
Where do you live? : Sweden , Östersund
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : For about a year i think
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Mine, build and killing mobs
Real Name: David
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: Lt. Sparkles
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Where do you live? : Canada - Toronto
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : January 2011
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Spelunker
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Sorry, I screwed up my Minecraft name, its pronounced Lt. Sparkles, but its "ltsparkles"
SvaraRaderaAlso if you want to contact me, use youtube please @Democromentor
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderaReal Name: victor marthell
Minecraft Name: victor
Age: 15
Gender: male
Where do you live? : sweden, osby
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : 9 months
What kind of minecrafter are you? :i like doing redstone stuff but im not good at it so i like building got bad fantasy and i do the best i can never griefing (once i burned up my house by an accident but that doesnt counts
Real Name:Eddy Lugo
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: deathcrow11
Where do you live? : United States,Montclair
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? :About 1 year and a half
What kind of minecrafter are you? :I like to build,explore,do picturarts with wool, I like to have fun
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Real Name: Joe
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name:Bjartm4r
Age: 16
Where do you live? : Norway-Skarnes
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : I started minecraft about 2 months before beta, and before that i played minecraft classic.
What kind of minecrafter are you? : I really enjoy building, beeing creative and stuff, but i also like the surviving factor in minecraft ^^
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Real Name: Joe
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name:Bjartm4r
Age: 16
Where do you live? : Norway-Skarnes
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : I started minecraft about 2 months before beta, and before that i played minecraft classic.
What kind of minecrafter are you? : I really enjoy building, beeing creative and stuff, but i also like the surviving factor in minecraft ^^
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
I have already applied but i forgot to say, my youtube is Loooljoe if u wanna PM me if I get in :P
Real Name: David Elvstrand
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: DavveDaMan
Gender: Male
Where do you live? : Sweden,Kristianstad
(country - City)
How long have you been playing minecraft: Sence it got released
What kind of minecrafter are you? : I like to build Pixel art And Find glitches and Im Super good with Redstone since i have goten to learn about it over the years :]
Real Name: Ellis
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: Ellisb02
Gender: male
Where do you live? : England , rotherham
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : 8 months
What kind of minecrafter are you? : A builder also i love the game for fun :)
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Real Name: Erik
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name:Erkapekka
Age: 15
Where do you live? : Sweden - Skellefteå
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : 1 Year
What kind of minecrafter are you? : The Regular :D
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Real Name: Gonçalo
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: Antharuz
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Where do you live: Portugal - Lisbon
How long have you been playing Minecraft?: Since it came out (litterally since classic came out)
What kind of minecrafter are you?: basically just to have fun and build stuff
Real Name:
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: trollathon
Age: 13
Gender: male
Where do you live? : Wisconsin, US
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : sinec somewhere around 1.1.2
What kind of minecrafter are you? : I like to build large-scale things, using flying, worldedit, and things like that. but legit is cool too :)
Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.
SvaraRaderaReal Name: Vegard Berg
SvaraRaderaYouTube: NorwayHack (If you're going to contact me.)
Minecraft Name: VegBerg
Age: 14
Gender: Male
City, Country: Trondheim, Norway
(^ I thought Mowlai was Pedobear...)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? :
Since August 2010
What kind of minecrafter are you? :
Well, I'm a fan of redstone... Not so good at it yet. I enjoy gathering resources and build some houses; house, shop, storage etc.
Real Name: Jay
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: losttragedy
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Country - City: USA, TN
How long have you been playing Minecraft?:
Since there were roughly half the people there are now, way before Seananners decided to start his "let's plays."
What kind of Minecrafter are you?:
Resource collector/Build scale builder*
I have an OCD when it comes to building anything, including just going through cave systems.
*I try anyway. :)
Real Name: Kevin
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: Kevindk2
Age: 14
Where do you live? : Denmark-Odense
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : I started about alpha 1.2.6
What kind of minecrafter are you? : I enjoy building traps and redstone things. And building cool castles
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Real Name: Karolis
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: Exfear
Age: 11
Gender: Male
Where do you live? : Lithuania - Dreverna
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : 2years with pauses
What kind of minecrafter are you? : I'm a Pro of minecrafter, because i was win a minecraft contest ofyour country 2-nd place
Real Name:Micha
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name:v3NoX
Gender: Man
Where do you live? :Germany Lübeck
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : I tink a half year but very often in that half year
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Playing around with redstone conecting gates to see what happens and making secret stuff
When will you post the players that can come and join you on the server?
SvaraRaderaReal Name: Charles
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: chpoit
Age: 15, almost 16
Where do you live? : Canada, Quebec, Quebec
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : since early-november 2010
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Builder, mob grinder, pacifist (I can still play on other than peacefull, I just hate creepers and sneeky skullys)
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Real Name: Mikael
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: mirkaminer
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Where do you live? : Malmö
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : about 6 weeks
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Builder,
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Real Name: Herman
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: Milliterguttaer
Age: 15
Gender: male
Where do you live? : Oslo
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : September 2010
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Architect, redstone engineer, Massive redstone structure builder,
Hello Rolf-David i have sent you an Application to you're mail.
SvaraRaderaReal Name: Teodor
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: teknown
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Where do you live? : Romania - Tecuci
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : about half a year
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Builder, Gatherer.
Real Name: Khaled
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: Krymtel
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Where do you live? :
(Kuwait – Kuwait City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : 1 Year
What kind of minecrafter are you? :
Building, crafting, gathering, protecting.
Real Name:Dan
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: PhantomNyte
Where do you live? : Romania, Caracal
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? :About one and a half year's
What kind of minecrafter are you? :Builder, Explorer, people friendly :)
SvaraRaderareal name: Bjarki Nielsen
Minecraft Name:Bjarki10
i live in:Denmark Copenhagen
i have bin playing minecraft for about 2 years
im: friendly crafting monster-killing building
p.s Gender:male
SvaraRaderaReal Name: Sheldon
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: RadRetribution
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Where do you live? : Cape Town South Africa
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : 3 Months
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Just play slowly for fun and I normaly play with my Friends :)
Real Name: Lorcan(is full name necessary?)
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name:hiddenninja
Age: 12
Where do you live? : Ireland
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : About...six months?
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Mining. Lots of mining.
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Real Name: Josh W.
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name:legesy
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Where do you live? : USA, Gurnee, IL
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : Ever since Alpha came out
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Building.
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
Real Name:Isak
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name:isak_almquist
Where do you live? :Sverige, Hallstahammar
How long have you been playing Minecraft? :Ett halvår typ
What kind of minecrafter are you? :Bygga och Samla på Tex diamanter ;)
Real Name: Max Sanson
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name:TheChildProdigy
Age: 17
Gender:Male W
here do you live? : Wales - UK (Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : Half a year What kind of minecrafter are you? : Building, discovering new things to do with redstone, generally having fun with people online. (what do you like to do while playing that is)
:D I'm MaximusOwnz on youtube, the one who sent you a message
SvaraRaderaand my youtube is CommanderSwedePlays, so you can PM me on there
Real Name: Kyle
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: CommanderSwede
Age: 14
Gender: Male
Where do you live? : TO, CA, USA
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : On and off for a little under a year
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Redstone engineer
Real Name: Gabriel Gessle
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: TheMightySwede
Age: 13 (14 August 5)
Gender: Male
Where do you live? : Stockholm, Sweden
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : Since Alpha. I think i started playing on 1.1.2 i don't remember :p
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Redstone, Pixel Art
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
real name:james souza
were do u live:Hawaii
how long have you been playing 1.1.1
what kind of minecrafter are you: builder mob killer and tester
Real Name: Rikkie Joris
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: 189111195
Age: 12, i have been admin on 5 servers. Dont worry im not childish
Gender: Male
Where do you live? : "Diest" a small city in Belgium
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : 2 Years
What kind of minecrafter are you? : Im a mass builder. i do new mega structures every week and most of the time on request ^-^
Ow and euhm realy quick im Rikkie, and rofl if you want to see my creations i have a server full of them :)
SvaraRaderaReal Name: Chris
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: t1nc
Age: 24
City-Country: Atlanta, GA, USA
How long have I played Minecraft: Since Alpha
What do I like to do: Redstone Circuitry
Real Name: Anton
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: olofgickpabio
Age: 14
Country: Sweden City: Enköping
How long time I have played: Ett år ungefär
What kind of minecraft are you: Oftast bygger jag stora saker som broar och torn, men har nydligen börjat med redstone.
Real Name: Blake
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: BHTOMAX
Age: 13
Country: Australia City: Sydney
How long have i played: 11 months
What kind of minecrafter am i: I like to build
big structures and cool houses.
Real Name: William
SvaraRaderaMinecraft Name: williamporter98
Age: 13
Where do you live? : united states killeen
(Country – City)
How long have you been playing Minecraft? : 1.7.3
What kind of minecrafter are you? :im more of a gather type of mincrafter im good with mine-shafts (man made and mincraft made). I dont like big houses becasue im not good at making them. I dont build much above ground (only like a dirt home till i find a underground home) i dwell underground in single player and multiplayer (so you wont see much greifing from me). I dont like redstone but im fairly good with it when i want something done i wont stop untill i get it all done that would be me staying up all night untill i get it right. when i make a faily good home underground then i help with the community (e.x. i can get iron if your runing low or wood) i dont need any thing in return but it would be kind if you do so. Also i have all day/night to play because im home schooled so i help basicly 24/7 and if you need to contact me my youtube name is: "melikeclones" (stupid name but o well not gonna make a new one unless i have to)
(what do you like to do while playing that is)
I'm Jean. My minecraft username is ghostclangirl. I would say I'm pretty mature for my age.I am 9 and a half. I love building things that at least impress myself. I've been playing for 2-3 months and am not THAT pro. Obviously,from my user, I am a girl and live in the USA. I would really love to go on your server!