måndag 11 april 2011

One hour

I've spend the better part of the last hour to reply to everyone on youtube that I haven't answerd yet and then cleaned it up so that I only have the most recent and important messages left. Jees I never thought it could take so long to give a short and simple answer to a horde of persons!

Most people just wanted to say that they liked my videos and such so it made me happy atleast! I am always glad when I can help you guys and when you appriciate what I do!

One more thing, how did you find out about me?
Was a friend that told you about me?
Related videos on youtube?
google minecraft blog?

Post a comment on youtube, send me a message on youtube or post a comment here about how you found out about me!

Over and Out

12 kommentarer:

  1. I searched for redstone tutorial on youtube and found you there :D

  2. Since that's like 90% of my stuff I guess that would be a very locigal way to find me!

  3. how did you find out about me? I found u when I look'd for a totorial for redstone thing's
    Was a friend that told you about me? no
    google minecraft blog? Your blog is awsome

  4. searched for redstone tutorials :) but it seems like i wont be joining ur server. thats a shame :(

  5. I was just looking around at minecart redstone videos and found your Minecart Banking system, from there I checkout out and learnt some more stuff and Subbed up :)

  6. Oh by the way when do those that emailed get to hear news on their applications?

  7. I was trying to learn a little about redstone becouse i was planning on building a thing, which happend to be the same thing as your banking system xD I swear i came up with it before i saw your video. So i found your Logic-gate tutorials, and they really helped me :)

  8. i was looking for some minecraft tutorials and found you :) and noow i am very happy when i see that u have uploaded a new video

  9. Den här kommentaren har tagits bort av skribenten.

  10. I found you because I was looking for redstone tutorials and landed on the episode in which (your father I think), someone called you and talked about a band with a weird name, and tought it was great to see someone just not restart recording because of this and then , I suscribed

  11. Redstone helps, then i saw ur bank system and then i subbed, because that was amazing

  12. Found you when I searched for redstone tutorials on youtube!
