onsdag 16 februari 2011



Short update of the project. There isn't much new to tell you, since we are only digging at the moment, and there isn't much to explain about digging I guess. But here is a nice picture of three of my mates working hard!

And I'm also editing a short video of the dig site as we speak that I'll upload some day soon.

We could not work anything on the project yesterday since the server went down and it is not up yet as far as I know.

1 kommentar:

  1. Såg precis din video med banksystemet, helt jäkla otroligt!!
    Om du har lust får du gärna komma in på våran server och kolla lite, vi skulle gärna ta hjälp av dig för att bygga något liknande.

    oavsett så kan du väl höra av dig till

